Thursday, May 2, 2013

In Which My Plans are Thwarted

So... This post was supposed to be about Sheep (specifically Lambs), but as often happens in this life, my best-laid schemes have "gang agley," as Robert Burns so deftly stated. Instead, this happened!

How, might you ask, did I come to be in New Jersey? Let's just say that the Dutch authorities are adamantly against foreigners overstaying their visas (long story, misunderstandings abounding between my Dutch employers and their government). It's quite an experience, starting the day as usual, then packing up your whole life and leaving a country in less than eighteen hours.

The Positive Side of all of this is that I got to come home early and spend almost a week in New Jersey with my sister, brother-in-law, and favorite nephew!

As a side note: NEVER travel with a guitar or more than two bags (neither of which should weigh more than 30 pounds), and I think one of my shoes is flying around on a Southwest airplane.