Friday, March 15, 2013

Lent Day 27: The Steadfast Love of the Lord

"For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things."

Yes, it's still Lent. Two weeks to go!

Psalm 107
Section One: Tells the people to give thanks to God for His steadfast love. Section Two:  Tells of four different types of people, the situations from which God rescued them, and why they should praise the Lord. Section Three: A record of the way God deals with the evil (brings low) and the oppressed (exalts).

Jeremiah 23:1-8
A warning against the leaders who care for God’s people and an assurance that God Himself will be the One who shepherds them and restores them.

Romans 8:28-39
“..all things work together for the good…” God works out all things according to His Rescue Plan (Jesus Storybook Bible). Nothing can separate us from His love or tear us away from where He would have us be.

John 6:52-59
Jesus tells His listeners that they must feed on His flesh in order to live forever. Not literally of course, but figuratively. He is Spirit and we must partake in His Spirit, ingest Him, digest Him in order to be a part of Him. It’s like Aragorn’s ring, with the two snakes swallowing each other. We take part in Him as He consumes us.

I’ve been meditating recently on God’s provision, how He always provides. Last week I Skyped with a friend who is fund-raising in order to spend two months in Africa with World Harvest Missions this summer. I was trying to encourage her and was reminded of my own experience fund-raising. I thought I would never, never, never be able to raise that money, especially for the second year, but it happened. God provided in spite of my lazy bones. I was struck by this because I am currently in a place of similar dis-trust. In two months I will begin a serious job search back in the States (I’m really starting now, don’t worry, Dad!). I am not looking forward to it, and not-so-deep-down I don’t believe I will be able to get a job, or at least one I will enjoy. But thinking about fund-raising I was reminded of God’s ability to care for me, even when I doubt. This sin of distrust and disbelief in something that God has clearly demonstrated over and over and over and over again is so wrong. It’s a slap in God’s face, saying “I don’t care how much You’ve proved Yourself, I still choose to sit here and feel sorry for myself and directly contradict Your promises to me. So there (*raspberry).” How pathetic is that? But God will still provide.

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble…” ~Psalm 107:1-2

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