Wednesday, January 9, 2013

There's No Place Like Home

Home... There's just something about it. The way it smells when you've been gone for more than a week, the way the floor creaks in particular places, the way the door frame in the kitchen is a little loose just shoulder high and only I know it because only I use that particular spot to as a handle to swing myself out into the hall. There's also the food, which is the epitome of comfort, and the people who are so happy to see me and don't mind me acting like a crazy imbecile.

The phrase I would use to describe my visit home was "Best Christmas Ever." What is it about having a baby in the house again that makes Christmas special? I got to meet my nephew in person for the first time ever, and he is... well, he defies description. Amazing, spectacular, intelligent, adorable, happy, chubby.... The adjectives go on! We were a little concerned that he would be overwhelmed by all the doting, hovering relations, but he took it like a king. There was a look on his face when they first arrived that was almost a "You look strangely familiar, and obviously you are happy to see me, so I'm just going to be OK with you holding me" look. At the beginning my sister (the Child's mother) kept saying "All these people love you" in a very reassuring voice, which helped. Oh my, the way he looked at his mother! It's like the sun, moon, stars, and earth all revolve around her! So cute.

Now it's back to work, and we've hit the ground running with a stomach bug right off. Hopefully it will be confined to the Middle One and we're finished with it!

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