Monday, October 22, 2012

Autumn Days

I really shouldn't post about what I'm going to post about in the future, it makes it easier to put it off. Nevertheless, I am compiling a list of advice for traveling by train through Europe and will hopefully post it soon, if I have any energy at the end of any day this week to do so.

Until then, some quotes from a couple of the books I've been reading lately:
"Aye, even if a deadly sin should occur... yet faith rises again and does not doubt that its sin is already gone." ~Martin Luther, A Treatise on Good Works

"'Contrast,' philosophised Lord Peter sleepily, 'is life.'"

"What luck! Here's a deep, damp ditch on the other side, which I shall now proceed to fall into."

" Lord Peter the world presented itself as an entertaining labyrinth of side-issues."

"'You know,' said Wimsey, 'I think there's often a great deal in what one's mother says.'"

"It's so much better to do things neatly and thoroughly--even stupid things." ~Dorothy Sayers, Clouds of Witness (a Lord Peter Wimsey novel)

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