Do you ever meet those people you wish you could carry with
you for the rest of your life, pulling them out whenever you feel the need for
just a certain type of conversation? I met quite a few people on my vacation
last week. My expectation going in was of solitude and relaxation, but the
reality was almost the exact opposite. Where I had expected a few solitary
travelers, there turned out to be busloads of loud, obnoxious, fun, dear
Australians, New Zealanders, a Norwegian, and a Spaniard. Where I had expected
little to no conversation, I got deep conversations of future plans, religion,
philosophy, service, geography, astronomy, Norse mythology, and politics. I
came back probably more tired than I left, but it was a peaceful, happy tired, rather than
frazzled and stressed.
For a first lone adventure it was a huge success. I started
out my journey feeling incredibly nervous about language barriers and whether
or not I would be able to find my trains along the way. By the end I knew that
every train connection would work out somehow, and if it didn’t there was
nearly always another way. I also knew that a humble attitude and a pleasant
smile is the best way to communicate with anybody, no matter where they come
from. Before I left on my trip I had a conversation with one of my sisters in
which we decided that the best motto for international travel is “No arrogance
and no fear.” I think it worked out for me and now I’m excited to plan my next
adventure, hopefully a weekend trip to the UK.
I climbed to the top of a Mountain!
GOSH. =)