Thursday, July 12, 2012


Right now the girls are ending the first week of their six-week vacation. So far the vacation has been more stressful than when the girls are in school, due to altered sleeping patterns and the inability to think of anything to do that doesn't involve a plug. The plus side is that the Little One is loving having her sisters with her all the time.

I have planned my holiday getaway on the premise of getting as far away from people as I can, therefore I have booked a bed in a hostel in a remote village in Austria. I plan on sitting around reading all day, and mayhap hiking a few times. Maybe I'll talk to people. Maybe I won't. I'm starting to get excited about it, especially getting to ride a train across two borders! Should be fun. I'll probably have some stunning pictures when I get back, so get ready. Only 32 days to wait!


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