It's good to have friends. Friends keep us sane. Fortunately, God has given me good friends, both in the States and now here. For having known these people only a few weeks, if that, I feel strangely comfortable with them. You know how Anne Shirley bonds with "kindred spirits?" I feel that my new friends are kindred spirits. They have been very kind in welcoming a perfect stranger into their lives. And God is so good to put people in my life who are serious about their relationship with Him. I need that.
That being said, Holland is such a beautiful place! The sun has been out nearly every day for the past week and there are baby animals all over the place. I keep expecting everything to burst into bloom the way it does in north Florida, but I think it's going to be a little more subtle here.
And I normally wouldn't do this, but it's so beautiful I must share: Currently listening to The Civil Wars "Barton Hollow."
Wait for summer. The Dutch are crazy about flowers and about dogs. You will see them everywhere. I think that the Kukenholf gardens are open in April. Ask. They are the worth the train ticket. Say hello to the Flamingos at the gardens for me. Abuelita